Soul Dance
Dancers are the messengers of the gods. ~Martha Graham
You know, to me everybody can dance. Even though you can't, you can dance on your own, and on your own way. As some say, dance is like expressing your soul and your innermost feelings. Just close your eyes, feel the song and let the rhythm guide you. Close your eyes and let the feeling flow through you. Close your eyes and let God speak to you in every way.
I really like to learn how to dance. Though I have some basics on ballroom dancing because it has been taught in our p.e classes, I still want to learn more, specifically hiphop and streetdancing. I envy those who are dancing to their hearts out and dance until they collapse because of fatigue. I envy them because they can express their feelings through dancing.
All of us have our own hidden talents, this is one of the way of how we could speak to our Creator. You just need to find out what is it and develop it on your own. Well in the near future I wanted to enroll to dance classes with my friend. And hopefully I can learn more how to dance.
"Tugs, tugs, tugs, tugs...ayan sayaw mo...sige giling pa ayan, sayaw pa"
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