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Posted by Shan Serilo
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- This blog, despite what others might think of it, is still a personal blog. Thus, it will reflect my personal opinions and observations. The opinions expressed here represent my own.
- If you read something offensive, notify me and I will review the post; I will remove offensive (or otherwise inappropriate) content.
- All trademarks, service marks, collective marks, design rights, personality rights, copyrights, registered names, mottos, logos, avatars, insignias and marks used or cited by this website are the property of their respective owners and this website in no way accepts any responsibility for an infringement on one of the above.
- All photos are not taken by me unless otherwise noted. They all came from different sources such as Google Images and several free photo sharing websites and forums. If any particular set of photos belong to you and you wish for either credit or removal of photos e-mail me at shan_serilo@yahoo.com.